March 2025 Mind of the Missionary

“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease.”   (Genesis 8:22)

As much as I love the transition from winter to spring in Alabama, it brings with it dangerous thunder storms, drenching rains, and tornadoes. I don’t mind so much the storms and rains, but the tornadoes can be a little nerve racking. I remember as a kid in the fifth grade when the entire school had to move to the hallway to take cover from a tornado that was nearby. As I got in the hallway, I did all I could to find my brother to make sure he was okay. Of course, he was, but I was his older brother.

As the tornado passed by, many of us went back to our rooms to see the it on the other side of town. Everything outside was dark and green, I’ll never forget it. So, when watches and warnings come, I look to see what the sky and the air feel like. I’m not James Spann, but I have learned a few things to prepare myself for the worst.

Our passage from Genesis demonstrates God’s promises to Noah after the flood. He let Noah know that the natural cycles of the earth would return as before as long as the earth remains. We see two points very important for us about God’s character. First of all, God never changes. Our seasons go from “seedtime to harvest, cold to heat, winter to summer, and day to night”, they will never cease. Malachi 3:6 states, “I the Lord do not change.” In a constantly changing world, Our Lord does not change which means we can count on Him always.

Next, God is faithful. He reassures believers that we can trust God’s unchanging nature and His covenant promises. What a God we serve. May you know that God never changes and is faithful to us always.

Until next month,

Bro. Lyle

February 2025 Mind of the Missionary

“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”

(I John 3:18)


As I began thinking and praying about this article, I read one on which was very interesting on “What is Love: A Biblical Definition”. Of course, it went to the different Greek uses of love, and there were more than the traditional four mentioned in most commentaries, teachings, and sermons. The traditional four are: storge – affection; phileo – friendship; eros – sexual; and agape – unconditional, self-less.

The others article are: ludus – flirtatious, playful, uncommitted; pragma – committed, long-standing; philautia – self-love; and mania – obsessive, possessive, addictive, dependent. These later four are not necessarily commonly used in the Bible, but we do see them lived out in our world. Also, we see how each can be harmful to both the one loving and the one being loved.

When John the Apostle wrote his words of how NOT to love, we notice that this seems quite common today, too. How many times have we or others just flippantly said, “I Love You” without thinking of the commitment required to demonstrate that love? Romans 5:8 states, “But God demonstrated His love for us: while we were yet still sinners, Christ died for us.”   One person said that biblical love is a ‘selfless, sacrificial, and unconditional love that is demonstrated through actions’.

How can we demonstrate that ‘selfless, sacrificial, and unconditional love’? First of all, we can demonstrate these characteristics through our daily interactions…the way we speak with others and the way we act toward others. Notice in Jesus’ life, he spoke lovingly toward unbelievers and spoke harsher toward the religious leaders and his own disciples. We should do the same. Unbelievers don’t know to speak, think, or act correctly because they are under the control of their father, Satan. Whereas, followers of Jesus must reflect Him, and we need to be rebuked and rebuffed lovingly by Jesus and his followers. 

The second way to demonstrate biblical love is by loving our true enemies and praying for those who persecute us. Do believers have enemies? Are believers persecuted in the United States? Sure, they are! It might be subtle, or it might be overt, but it happens. What should be our reaction? It should be that of Christ, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do”. (Luke 23:34)  Stephen reacted similarly as he was being stoned to death, “Lord, charge not this sin against them”. Can we pray this way for our enemies and persecutors?

May we during this month of February demonstrate biblical love toward those with whom we come in contact!


Until Next Month,

Bro. Lyle

January 2025 Mind of the Missionary

“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs, do you not perceive it?”  (Isaiah 43:18 – 19a)


As a child, I remember vividly the symbols of the old and the new  year. The old year was symbolized by an old man with a beard, and the new  year as a baby. Of course, the idea was the dying away of all the things which took place the previous year and the looking forward to the new year with all of its potential and expectations.

As we move from  2024 into 2025, it would be good for us to review our lives to see where our they came up short of what we had planned at the end of 2023. Some of you might be like I was at one time in my life. I would just go with the flow. However, even Jesus Himself was on a time schedule. It is quite obvious that He was to be in Jerusalem for the celebration of Passover during His last year of physical life, but He didn’t let his time schedule hinder him from changing his daily schedule. When He said, ” It is finished”, it was . There was nothing that Jesus left undone. He had healed thousands. He had resurrected from the dead dozens. He had given sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf. Plus, he called and discipled  12 men to carry on His ministry after His death and resurrection. Nothing was left to chance!

How about you?  Are you ready to go forward from 2024 to 2025? Or are you stuck in 2024, 2020, 2000, or farther back? Are you saying, “I wish I could go back to…?” Many of us as believers wish for the “glory days” or “better days”, but we must not have this attitude. The Lord has given us one day to live at a time. Every day is the opportunity to live and serve Him.

Our biblical passage from Isaiah is very clear that we should not remember nor consider the things of old. Yet, we get stuck in the past. Does this mean that thinking on the past is bad? NO, but living in the past is. God through Jesus was about to do a new thing. Okay, it took 700 years, but it would and did happen with the birth, life, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Again, God accomplished what He set out to do.

Again, I ask you, “Are you ready to go forward with a new thing? Or are you going to live in the past wishing for the glory or better days to return?”  I hate to burst your bubble, but they will NOT return. Christ has made us to be people of the present and the future. May we live that way in 2025…reflecting Him as we fulfill His will in the world!


Happy New Year!

Bro. Lyle

December 2024 Mind of the Missionary

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.”

(Ecclesiastes 4:9 – 10a)


The words of the Teacher in Ecclesiastes are important ones for believers to put into practice. So many times, we try to serve the Lord as isolated “islands” rather than as “chains” linking us together. In other words, we have the tendency to do ministry by ourselves rather than seeking others. Notice how Jesus put together his team. He called men from different backgrounds, different cultures, and different social classes to join Him. There were times when they bickered among themselves (Matthew 20:20 – 24). However, after the Day of Pentecost, the apostles were working together more and more. Yes, there is the exception of Philip, but my point is … we very rarely see the apostles, Paul, Barnabas, and others ministering by themselves.

Last week at the Alabama State Convention in Daphne, two of our Pickens Baptist Association ladies were honored with the Alabama Baptist Volunteers of the Year Award. They are Mrs. Debra Abston and Miss Kimberly Posey (KP to everyone else). They were recognized for the way in which they minister together in their home church – Highland Baptist Church, in the Pickens Baptist Association, and in US and International missions. It was a blessing to watch them receive these awards. I understand this now this is the third time that the PBA has received this honor. The first ones were Mr. Buddy and Mrs. Emily Kirk in 2009, followed by Mrs. Cynthia Colvin in 2012.  WOW! For a small Baptist Association, what great examples we have of persons laboring together to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the world.

I couldn’t finish this December newsletter without saying something about Christmas. The apostle John wrote: “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” (1:14a) Jesus, the Word, left all of His authority and power in Heaven beside His Father to reside and live among us. He came “to seek and to save that which was lost”. (Luke 19.10) All of us, His Creation, was lost and needed a Savior, a Redeemer. He chose to become man. He chose to eat, drink, and get to know us. He chose to teach and show us how to live for Him. Then, eventually, he chose willingly to give His life to redeem us. How can we cheapen the significance of the Christmas season with only the giving of presents, spending time with family and friends, and watching football until our eyes bug out?  Christmas is so much more. May we keep Christmas special by remembering, honoring, and praising the Lord Jesus Christ who was not only born, but also died for our salvation!


Until next month,

Bro. Lyle

November 2024 Mind of the Missionary

“Since then you have been raised with Christ…”  (Colossians 3.1a)


As I write you from month to month, I normally don’t preach in my articles. However, this time might be different. I’ve been reading in the book of Colossians, and I’ve gotten stuck on several phrases in this third chapter which is prefaced by “since then you have been raised with Christ”. That phrase right there should be enough for us to “camp out” for a while. Since we have been raised with Christ, it must mean that we were buried by some means. I’m physically alive, so Paul is not talking about my physical resurrection, but he’s speaking of my spiritual resurrection. So, all that know Jesus as Savior and Lord are new persons. (II Cor. 5:17) It’s like Lazarus when he walked out of his grave. We’ve walked out of our spiritual graves into new lives in Christ.

As I continue reading the next verses, these phrases appear, “set your hearts on things above”, “set your mind on things above”, and “your life is now hidden with Christ in God”.  It’s pretty clear that Paul wants the believer as well as the body of Christ to understand the direction in which our lives should take…fixed on Christ. Are we fixed on Christ every second, every minute, and every moment of every day? To be honest with you, I have my moments when I’m not as focused as I should be. This leads me to set my mind and heart on earthly things. When my mind and heart are set on earthly things, that’s when I begin to falter in my faith and my walk in the Lord.

So, as we move toward the days of Thanksgiving, yes, enjoy time with family, enjoy the food, but do not set your mind and hearts on earthly things. Set your mind and hearts on things above remembering that our lives are now hidden with Christ. As Colossians 3.4 states, “Christ, who is your life”, let’s allow Christ to be our lives!

May the Lord bless you all as you celebrate this special Thanksgiving time of the year!


Until next month,

Bro. Lyle

October 2024 Mind of the Missionary

“After you have gathered the crops of the land, celebrate the festival to the Lord for seven days;”   (Leviticus 23:39)

Last month,  I focused my article on the importance of celebrating the milestone of the 200th Anniversary of Ethelsville Baptist Church, but we need to celebrate any milestones that our churches experience during the year. Many times, we overlook not only our churches’ anniversaries, but we don’t celebrate our new buildings or structures, baptisms, new members, the return of older members, new Sunday School or Discipleship classes, or anything that has occurred differently during the year.

The scriptural passage that I’ve quoted speaks of the celebration of the “Feast of Tabernacles” where the people of Israel live in temporary shelters for 7 days to remind them of the ones that He provided for the nation as they left out of Egypt and went to the Promised Land. There are at least 7 known feasts that the people of Israel celebrated annually. Do we take the time to celebrate what the Lord has done for our churches even once a year? I believe that’s the point I’m trying to make.

The Lord has blessed us in so many ways as His people and His church. However, we seem to be oblivious, non-caring, or entitled to what we have. This should not be. As God’s children, we must understand that God through His mercy, love, and grace has blessed us. He didn’t have to redeem us, nor bless us, but He does because of His great love for us.  John says it best, “We love because He first loved us.”  (I John 4:19)

As we move in to the harvest or fall season, let us be grateful for the salvation, the blessings, the churches, the families, and even life itself. Let us not take anything for granted. Why? Because God, our Father, has given it to us for His glory!

Until Next Month,

Bro. Lyle

September 2024 Mind of the Missionary

“Praise the Lord. Blessed are those who fear the Lord, who find great delight in His commands. Their children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed.”    (Psalm 112:1 – 3)


How do you feel about celebrating your birthday? When I was younger, I couldn’t wait. Since my birthday was in June and school was out. I liked it that way because I didn’t have everyone coming to tell me “Happy Birthday” all day long. With a summer birthday, you hear “Happy Birthday” from your family, close friends, and neighbors in addition to the birthday cards with some money. (Oh yeah!)  I was given a few bucks to spend as I wanted, and of course, the rest went to the savings account.

Now that I’m older, the birthday celebration itself isn’t as big a deal as it was in my childhood. However, it is good that I can celebrate…a nice meal and a little cake and ice cream. That sounds pretty good to me!

Well, one of our Pickens Baptist Association churches, Ethelsville Baptist Church, to be exact will be celebrating their 200th anniversary on Sunday, September 8 from 10:30 am until. Dr. Rick Lance, the Alabama State Board of Missions Executive Director/Treasurer, will be the special speaker with “Faithful Friends” as the special musical guests. Of course, there will be food galore. You can’t have a birthday party without food and drink!

It’s hard to believe that 200 years ago a small group of South Carolinians came to this section of Alabama near the Tombigbee River and began not only its first church but two more besides – one in 1850 that eventually became Mineral Springs Baptist Church and the other in 1890 which became Hickory Grove Baptist Church. Although the group was small through the 19th Century, it was faithful to meet weekly for Sunday School and once a month for worship.

In the 20th Century with the coming of the train to the Ethelsville area, the church began to grow. In the 1950’s, the church had a membership of more than 100 people. These numbers continued higher until it has reached more than 150 resident members. It was like a parable…where there were small beginnings, the church grew and touched many people’s lives in the community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

If you are not busy or overly involved in your local church, I invite you to participate in the 200th Anniversary of Ethelsville Baptist on Sunday, September 8 from 10:30 am until ?? May Ethelsville Baptist Church continue forward for 200 years more!

Until Next Month,       

Bro. Lyle

August 2024 Mind of the Missionary

“To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. And this I do for the Gospel’s sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you.”  

(I Corinthians 9:22 – 23)


Paul shares in this passage how he does ministry…”I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some”. What is our way of doing ministry? All believers have been called to reach others with our witness and testimony. Many times, we leave this ministry to the pastor because “it’s his job”, or to those who have the gift of evangelism, but Jesus does not give us a way out or a pass.

ALL of US are responsible for sharing that which God has done for us. Acts 1:8 clearly states, “you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses…”. The passage doesn’t say, “if you’re a pastor”, or “if you have the gift of evangelism”, or “if you are an extrovert”, or “if you have a great understanding and knowledge of the Bible”. He said, “you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses…”.

I believe this is what makes us nervous about sharing our Jesus story. We are responsible. Being responsible, we look for other ways to share the Gospel through helping, cleaning, serving, working around the church, etc…. These are good, but they are NOT being a witness for Christ. A witness is one who shares what he or she has experienced through his relationship with the Lord. So, tell me, what have you experienced through your relationship with the Lord? Hopefully, you can answer that question by saying, “I repented and gave my life to the Lord at this point in my life, and this is what He is doing in my life”.  If not, then you are not saved and having nothing to share.

Every believer has something to share regarding his/her relationship with the Lord. Yes, there are those difficult moments which need to be shared, but mostly, the Lord has stood beside us no matter how difficult the road might be. How many times can I count when Jesus was standing beside me when things in my life started to pile up to the sky? He was always there! There you go. You can do the same with someone else. It might not be the most polished or the most glamorous testimony, but it is yours. That’s what we don’t know…how God will use my testimony to touch the life of someone else. All we need to do is be a faithful witness. I challenge you today – Be a Faithful Witness empowered by the Holy Spirit!


Until next month,

Bro. Lyle

July 2024 Mind of the Missionary

“If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple. For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?”  (Luke 14: 26 – 28)


John F. Kennedy said, “Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and success of liberty.” I couldn’t find when or where this quote was made. If you know, please contact me. Either way, President Kennedy made a very bold statement concerning the importance of liberty within the United States. In 2024, I’m not so sure there is that much willingness to “pay any price,…to assure the survival and success of liberty.” Many are willing to give up their liberty and allow others to tell or guide them away from the freedom that we’ve been given. It’s sad, but true. It appears as though it’s much easier to be a follower than to be a leader.

Jesus in his statement on “counting the cost” to follow Him made the call quite clear. Whoever follows Him must put away his/her family and even his/her own life to be His disciple. How many of us as we began our walk with the Lord were asked this question, “Are you willing to put away your family, friends, and life to follow Jesus?” I’m afraid that if we were to ask those who come forward to start a new life in Him, there would be many less decisions for Christ.

This phrase “counting the cost” means recognizing and agreeing to some terms first. In following Christ, we cannot simply follow our own inclinations. We cannot follow Him and the world’s way at the same time, or follow some happy or good feelings. Whenever life stops going our way, then we run from the Lord and say, “The Christian life is way too demanding for me.” Well, that’s the whole point, isn’t it? How we lived before Christ was a disaster. Now, He is making us in His image and likeness, not our own. This is where true liberty begins and ends. Paul writes in II Corinthians 3:17 – “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” As true followers of Jesus, may you find the liberty and freedom that Christ has for you through the presence of His Holy Spirit!

Until Next Month,

Bro. Lyle

June 2024 Mind of the Missionary

“My son, do not forget my teaching…”  (Proverbs 3:1a)


Fatherly advice or teaching is very rarely mentioned these days. I don’t know if it’s due to other emphases which are considered better than what a man can give. As a man, I understand that my gender has not always been the best at practicing what it preaches, nor have we been very good at giving wise or useful advice. These might be some of the reasons. However, Solomon gave his son some very good teaching in the book of Proverbs. He said, “My son, do not forget my teaching….” I’m afraid Rehoboam did forget his father’s teachings, but that doesn’t mean that they are not useful.

First of all, Solomon states, “keep my commandments in your heart, for they will prolong your life” (v.1b). Again, Rehoboam didn’t listen to his daddy, but we can. Jesus restated the same teaching, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” This shows us the importance of keeping God’s commandments. Not only will they prolong our lives, they will bring us peace and prosperity. Of course, it would be easy to think monetarily due to Solomon’s wealth, but I believe he meant more than financial peace and prosperity. There is a spiritual peace and prosperity indicated. It is a peace that finds us at peace and prosperity within ourselves and with God due to Jesus’ death and resurrection. We are at one with Him. Jesus paid the price for our sins which wipes them away. In Psalm 103:12 says, “as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions (rebelliousness) from us.” WOW, now that brings peace and prosperity to my mind!

Second, Solomon says, “Let love and faithfulness never leave you, bind them around your neck…” (v. 3). As you read on, verse 4 states, “you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man”. How many of us think of winning favor and a good name? I’m afraid not many of us. Maybe, with man, but not so much with God. Again, this idea returns to the keeping of God’s commandments in our hearts as well as the knowledge that His love and faithfulness will never leave us. They are to be bound around our necks as if they were a towel which cools us on a hot day or a turtleneck sweater on a cold day. God’s love and faithfulness makes us feel comfortable because He has everything under control.

Finally, Solomon says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” (v. 4 – 5). All that we are, and all that we are capable of knowing should trust Him. This trust is not a blind trust, but one that is based on our previous experiences with Him. As God has been faithful in the past, He will be faithful in the future.

Notice how Solomon writes that we are to submit ourselves to God. Submit is a word which just messes with our minds. Scripturally, wives are asked to “submit to their husbands”, and this has caused all types of problems in our society. However, biblical submission is a voluntary yielding to Jesus in love. So, we are yielding in love to our Lord, and He will make our paths straight. Better said, our lives will be in His keeping.

Fathers, take time always, but especially this month, to give Godly advice and teaching to your children no matter their age. They will benefit from it as well as not forget what you have taught them.

Until next month,

Bro. Lyle