“A certain man gave a great supper and invited many; and sent his servant at supper time to say to those who had been invited, ‘Come; for all things are ready now.’ But they all with one accord began to make excuses.”
(Luke 14:16 – 18a) NKJV
Excuses, excuses, excuses! We’ve heard them all from “The dog ate my homework” to “I just don’t feel like it”. I’ve included in this newsletter an interesting little twist on the excuses we use NOT to attend church. Instead, it’s focused on “12 Reasons Christians Don’t Attend Sporting Events”. I’ll let you read them rather than my rehashing them. The best thing I can say is, we don’t make excuses or very rarely make excuses to attend sporting events or any other event especially if our children or grandchildren are involved. Watch out, Brother Lyle, you’re stepping on toes!
Well, it’s true. It appears as though we do have excuses for NOT attending our local churches on a regular basis. I like this parable of Jesus because it shows that there will be some folks who will be left out of God’s Kingdom for NOT accepting Christ’s invitation to eat with Him or better said, become His follower. I could list all types of reasons why we as followers of Christ must participate in our local congregations, but why? Most of you know them. My question is…why do you NOT want to celebrate your relationship with the Lord in a local body of believers?
Jesus faced excuses in His day. Why do you think He spoke a parable about it? A day is coming when we will NOT be able to worship Jesus in our local churches. He will return, and those who have made excuse after excuse cannot use one before Him. I remember President Harry Truman’s statement, “The Buck Stops Here!” desk sign. For many who are using excuses NOT to be in God’s local houses of worship, God will say, “The Buck Stops Here!”
I’m not ignorant of those who have legitimate reasons for not attending worship, but I’ve noticed in our churches that many attend who have all types of health, family, and work problems. These do NOT hinder them. The writer of Hebrews was clear “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another…”. Brothers and sisters, I write these words to exhort and encourage you to NOT make excuses, but gather together with one another!
Until Next Month,
Bro. Lyle