“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease.” (Genesis 8:22)
As much as I love the transition from winter to spring in Alabama, it brings with it dangerous thunder storms, drenching rains, and tornadoes. I don’t mind so much the storms and rains, but the tornadoes can be a little nerve racking. I remember as a kid in the fifth grade when the entire school had to move to the hallway to take cover from a tornado that was nearby. As I got in the hallway, I did all I could to find my brother to make sure he was okay. Of course, he was, but I was his older brother.
As the tornado passed by, many of us went back to our rooms to see the it on the other side of town. Everything outside was dark and green, I’ll never forget it. So, when watches and warnings come, I look to see what the sky and the air feel like. I’m not James Spann, but I have learned a few things to prepare myself for the worst.
Our passage from Genesis demonstrates God’s promises to Noah after the flood. He let Noah know that the natural cycles of the earth would return as before as long as the earth remains. We see two points very important for us about God’s character. First of all, God never changes. Our seasons go from “seedtime to harvest, cold to heat, winter to summer, and day to night”, they will never cease. Malachi 3:6 states, “I the Lord do not change.” In a constantly changing world, Our Lord does not change which means we can count on Him always.
Next, God is faithful. He reassures believers that we can trust God’s unchanging nature and His covenant promises. What a God we serve. May you know that God never changes and is faithful to us always.
Until next month,
Bro. Lyle